“Whoa. That’s Instagram-worthy.”

In today’s digital age, there’s no higher compliment. That’s especially true in bars or restaurants. When a colossal-sized cheeseburger, an artistically presented slice of cheesecake, or a glowing craft cocktail arrives in front of us, our first instinct might be to reach for our phones and share these creations with the world.

With the explosion of the craft cocktail movement, paired with social media, bartenders and bar operators find themselves trying to one-up each other with wild, innovative, and insanely creative cocktails. And while Instagram is the perfect digital venue to showcase these exotic creations, many of these beverages need to be seen in person to be believed.

From non-traditional ingredients like ice cream cocktails to a silly drink idea come to life, outrageous cocktails not only make waves online but create a buzz for beverage programs.

Sure, many bars offer a signature drink, but we think these crazy cocktails are as unique as they come.

Chicken Fried Bloody Beast

Sobelman’s Pub & Grill, Milwaukee

With so many worthy contenders for “Craziest Bloody Mary” it was hard to just pick one. So we stayed close to home for a cocktail that doubles as an entire meal. This bloody mary contains the following: olives, onions, pickles, cheese, sausage, mushrooms, scallions, shrimp, tomatoes, celery, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, lemon, bacon-wrapped jalapeño cheeseballs, and a whole fried chicken! You may just need a nap after that one.

Bacon and Egg Martini

London Cocktail Club, London

Breakfast lovers, meet your new favorite cocktail. The London Cocktail Club mixes bacon flavored Jack Daniels with lemon juice, maple syrup, bitters and egg whites, and garnishes it with bacon. This cocktail will be your most important meal of the day.

Treasure Chest

Three Dots and a Dash, Chicago

The ingredients of this tiki drink won't shock you -- guava, pineapple juice, OJ, fresh lime, pomegranate syrup and rum -- but the price tag might. For a mere $385, you (and hopefully some friends) can enjoy a cocktail in a full-size treasure chest, topped off by a full bottle of Dom Perignon.

Seashore Sweet

Disney's AbracadaBar, Orlando

The happiest place on earth isn't just for kids. The cocktails offered at this Disney bar range from color changing margaritas to absinthe so strong you're only allowed to order two. But the standout cocktail (or mocktail if you hold the vodka) is the Seashore Sweet, a glass of ice topped with cotton candy that disappears when poured over with lemonade. It's an amusement park in a glass.

Conch Shell Cocktail

ROKC, New York

It's almost impossible to pick just one cocktail from this Ramen bar in Harlem. And while bartender Shige Kabashima delivers cocktails in everything from egg shells, bell peppers, and lightbulbs (seriously), we think the craziest just might be the combination of mezcal, clam, tomato, and wasabi, all served in a conch shell. Only in New York!

Follow @perlickcorp on Instagram and tag us with some of your craziest cocktail creations!

While viral cocktails are creating a buzz on social media, the Tobin Ells Signature Cocktail Station is creating a buzz of its own with bartenders.

Hear what they had to say in this short video.

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