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Bot said:Hi, I’m Bart Ender, your Perlick personal assistant. I can give you quick answers to popular questions or I can submit your question to a Perlick representative who can.
Sent at February 19 at 3:35 AM
Bot said:Some things you can ask me are:
“Find a product manual.”
“Where can I buy Perlick.”
“Contact HR about employment.”
Or chat us the topic you need help with.
Sent at February 19 at 3:35 AM
Bot said:To get things started, what is your full name?
Sent at February 19 at 3:35 AM
Bot said: Hi, I’m Bart Ender, your Perlick personal assistant. I can give you quick answers to popular questions or I can submit your question to a Perlick representative who can.
Bot said:
Hi, I’m Bart Ender, your Perlick personal assistant. I can give you quick answers to popular questions or I can submit your question to a Perlick representative who can.
Sent at February 19 at 3:35 AM
Bot said: Some things you can ask me are:
“Find a product manual.”
“Where can I buy Perlick.”
“Contact HR about employment.”
Or chat us the topic you need help with.
Bot said:
Some things you can ask me are:
“Find a product manual.”
“Where can I buy Perlick.”
“Contact HR about employment.”
Or chat us the topic you need help with.
Sent at February 19 at 3:35 AM
Bot said: To get things started, what is your full name?